Elijah Post

Correspondent with the Mythril Eye


Seeking: Long term rp connections, short term adventures, story leads and Important figures to annoy

  • ㅤBecks | he/him or they/them | Atlantic Timezoneㅤ

Hey, I'm Becks and I am looking to make more IC connections and OOC pals! I'm an internet old who has been rping for many years. I have a lot of feelings about fictional characters and I'd like to have feelings about your characters too!While this character is on the surface level a very chill and friendly dude, I feel like I should warn that I am someone who engages with a lot of mature themes with this guy (and in general) - not just swearing, drugs and alcohol, but also heavier stuff (the realities of class disparity and poverty, the human cost of war, trauma, etc etc) and that might not be everyone’s cup of tea. But!! I wouldn’t just throw it out there willy nilly. I believe in communication between players - discussing boundaries and limits is very important, as well as trusting each other enough to speak up if either party is uncomfortable!

  • ㅤMy other charactersㅤ

  • A few things!

  • I am down for my character being injured and with antagonistic or unpleasant IC interactions. Elijah can be kind of a dick, so I get it if things get testy (he probably deserves it) - but please check in with me before doing anything that will result in a permanent/semi-permanent injury (anything that will incapacitate my character for an extended period).

  • This character is not available for any romantic arcs - he is in a committed entanglement.

  • Lore wise I am flexible so long as it is based within the framework of the worldbuilding. Some things might not be to my tastes or interests, but I'll never judge other players for having a good time. <3

  • I believe there should be a bar of separation between IC and OOC. Please do not conflate the two - I am a whole adult with a job and bills to pay, I have no time or energy for interpersonal drama related to roleplaying. However, if you are ever left feeling upset or uncomfortable after or during an interaction, please reach out and we can discuss it without judgement.

  • Please only approach me for rp if you are 18+ and your character is 18+. I am not comfortable interacting with minors online (fictional or otherwise).

  • You can reach me in game as Elijah Post on Balmung OR via twitter @OhNo_Becks

The Basics

  • ㅤnameㅤ Elijah Post

  • ㅤageㅤ 30

  • ㅤraceㅤ Midlander/Highlander (Ul'dahni/Ala Mhigan)

  • ㅤGenderㅤ Cis Male

  • ㅤsexualityㅤ Gay (but will flirt with anyone)

  • ㅤRelationship Statusㅤ "Tethered" to a man voidbent on raising his blood pressure.

  • ㅤResidenceㅤ Has an apartment gathering dust in Ul'dah and a room he rents at the Hidden Pearl in the Mists.

  • ㅤProfessionㅤ Journalist

  • ㅤConnectionsㅤ ------->

  • ㅤCharacter inspoㅤ Hunter S Thompson, Margot Kidder's Lois Lane, the specific genre of scruffy anime man who gets mad when people call him "uncle", smokes a lot, and is in possession of a lazy charm while also being a cosmic joke


Hair: Honey Blond and could definitely use a cut or a style… or a brush most days, to be perfectly honest.
Eyes: Amber – more a reddish-orange hue than yellow
Height: 5' 6"
Appearance: Elijah could be considered attractive: excellent jaw line, straight nose, striking eyes, long limbs, trim figure, and a charming smile. Unfortunately (for anyone who has to look at him) his fashion sense is questionable at best. Most of his outfits consist of brightly colored, egregiously wrinkled shirts and pants that rarely make it past his ankles. He wears tacky jewelry, sunglasses inside buildings and most certainly at night. There is a very real possibility that the only footwear he owns, besides a pair of fluffy pink slippers, are sandals – which he has, in fact, been known to wear with socks. The way he carries himself somehow makes his “I have just woke up in the middle of the afternoon” look seem more of an artful affectation rather than a cry for help.
Distinguishing Features: His scars. The most prominent two are the one that runs diagonal across his face and the whorling burns draped over his shoulders like an ugly shawl – creeping down over his right pectoral and the upper part of his left arm. His ring finger on his left hand is missing after the first knuckle and there is a long surgical scar that lines his outer right forearm.


  • ㅤPositive Traits:ㅤ Smart, funny, resilient, persistent, passionate, insightful, has a strong sense of justice, charismatic

  • ㅤNegative Traits:ㅤ Thinks he's smart, thinks he's funny, stubborn, his fashion sense, complains at length, mean, petty, one helluva death drive, never shuts the fuck up

  • ㅤLikes:ㅤ Day drinking, smoking, most recreational drugs, people watching, writing, sleeping, eating local foods, complaining talking, tall men, pissing off the rich

  • ㅤDislikes:ㅤ Bureaucracy, wealth disparity, national pride, bullies, snobs, children, being cold, The Outdoors, sports, edits, having to work the arts and culture beat

  • ㅤFears:ㅤ Commitment, giving up control over his own life, being emotionally vulnerable, people in mascot costumes

On the Job

Profession: In his professional life Elijah is sharp, doggedly persistent, analytical, and ... kind of mean. He has a terrible habit of jamming his thumbs into people’s buttons (while maintaining plausible deniability as to whether he is just incidentally annoying rather than consciously so). He also leaves journalistic impartiality at the door, never shutting up about politics or corruption in Eorzea’s higher offices - which leads to spirited debates regarding what goes to print. According to some people (his editor) “nobody wants to hear about embezzlement and worker’s rights when reading about blitzball.”Publications: While Elijah primarily publishes in The Mythril Eye (and has the press credentials to prove it) he has also written for The Harbor Herald and The Raven - picking up the odd puff piece, op-ed, or political coverage gig in order to cover his expenses when he’s between larger assignments for the Eye. In the past he has written incendiary pieces about Ul’Dah’s treatment of Ala Mhigan refugees, pieces lambasting the noble houses of Ishgard for their collaboration with the corrupt Holy See, and one memorable hallucinogen fueled coverage of Little Ladies day that was absolutely scathing. Needless to say, he has a bit of a “reputation”.His most well regarded work (Dispatches from the Resistance published periodically in the Mythril Eye) was written during his time living with the resistance forces in Gyr Abania; however, he is just as willing to throw himself upon the altar of journalistic tripe for a quick gil.


  • ㅤAre youㅤ a political figure he did a hit piece on?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ someone he interviewed?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ an avid reader of the Mythril Eye?

Given the nature of his job, Elijah has visited most major cities while on assignment and has been known to interview common folks, political figures, travellers, military types -- anyone who will talk to him. If you've spoken to him in the past, your words might have ended up in print, for better or for worse.He has been punched in the face multiple times and regrets nothing.


  • ㅤDid youㅤ fight in the Ala Mhigan Resistance?

  • ㅤDid youㅤ Fight on the Bozja front?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a GC soldier who has seen combat?

Elijah has spent time in the middle of political unrest in Ishgard, covering Garlean incursions and skirmishes across the continent, covered the ongoing issues in Gyr Abania and Doma, and most recently spent time behind the front lines in Bozja. If your character was part of the fighting in Gyr Abania or Bozja, Elijah might have spoken to them or went out into the field with them on occasion.


  • ㅤAre youㅤ from Ul'dah?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ from the shitty part of Ul'dah?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a fan of Ala Mhigan food?

He lived most of his life in Ul’Dah, haunting the less affluent areas of Eorzea’s grandest pile of rocks in the desert. His mother was an Ala Mhigan immigrant and his father just a simple Ul’Dah native who ran a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. His parents were well liked, veritable pillars of the community, for whatever that was worth in what was hardly a half step above a slum. His mother died not long ago but his father still works in his run down little restaurant – lots of folks still recognize Elijah as his parent’s kid rather than for his own work. He has mixed feelings about it.


  • ㅤDo youㅤ have a story lead you need followed?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a fellow reporter?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ doing something newsworthy?

There are any number of reasons Elijah could show up and bother your character in a personalized way - are you someone famous getting a puff piece written in the arts and culture section? Did you win A Sport? Are you a politician or from a noble family that isn't squeaky clean? Do you work for one of Eorzea's many newspapers and need a peer to shoot the shit with and/or form a life long rivalry?Elijah is a (superficially) friendly guy, say hello!

People of Personal Interest rather than Professional annoyance

Ephram Post

Father (Alive)

Ephram is a serious man with an even more serious moustache. Proud, no nonsense, and hard working, he runs a tiny little Ala Mhigan/Ul’dahni restaurant in one of the poorest parts of Ul’dah. He has always been at odds with his son, as their personalities are like oil and water, and their relationship has become even more strained since Elijah’s mother passed away.He doesn't understand his son's job and thinks he should stop rocking the boat on all that political nonsense -- buckle down and get some honest work to make something of himself.

Nesrin Post

Mother (Deceased)

An Ala Mhigan immigrant, Nesrin was a bit rough around the edges even later in life. She was a passionate woman: loud, critical, and more stubborn than a roosting chocobo. Still, she was fiercely loyal to her family. A tough mom but a good one all the same.Her death has been hard on both husband and son as she was in many ways the emotional core of their family, with all her honesty and loud big feelings. The peacemaker too, in a whole 'smack them both and tell them to knock it off whenever they start in on each other' sort of way.Excellent aim with a sandal or slipper.

Halvak Alvak


A senior Editor at the Mythril Eye and Elijah's mentor of sorts. Elijah met Halvak when he was just an insufferable and idealistic youth with ample anger at the injustice around him but no outlet. Halvak helped him channel that energy into something constructive. Their friendship has always been combative -- you would think they weren’t friends at all given what they have to say about each other (and to each other) most of the time. But there is respect under the mostly feigned irritation.

Fain Perry

Boyfriend Local Idiot

A failson from Ala Mhigan nobility, self styled ‘treasure hunter’ with a penchant for explosives and not being murdered by multiple attempted murderers. Has never planned ahead a day in his life. Against all odds Elijah enjoys his company, if only to glimpse the fascinating inner workings of a supremely uncomplicated mind.They’re dating.